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What do you have to expect?

Gemäß § 54 Absatz 3 Ziffer 2 GSO wird in der Jahrgangsstufe Q11 oder Q12 in den modernen Fremdsprachen eine Schulaufgabe in mündlicher Form, möglichst als Partner- oder Gruppenprüfung, abgehalten. Durch diese „mündliche Schulaufgabe“ wird die Rolle des Mündlichen im Englischunterricht deutlich aufgewertet.

Der Prüfung beginnt mit einer kurzen Aufwärmphase, die aus einem Lehrer-Schüler Gespräch besteht. Anschließend beschreibt jeder Schüler sein Bild. Dann folgt eine Diskussion, die sich inhaltlich mit in diesem Schulhalbjahr im Englischunterricht besprochenen Themen befasst. Im Idealfall entwickelt sich ein lebhaftes Gespräch mit ausgewogener Verteilung der Sprechzeit, in dessen Verlauf die Schüler die wichtigsten Argumente für und gegen einen Sachverhalt austauschen und gründlich erörtern.

Die Bewertung der Schulaufgabe erfolgt jeweils durch die in der Klasse unterrichtende Englischlehrkraft und eine besitzende Englischlehrkraft. Die Note wird dem Schüler nach Abschluss aller Prüfungen mitgeteilt.

vgl. ISB: Bewertungsraster Abitur - mündliche Teilprüfung

Break the ice! Explain the topic or introduce the situation. If somebody else has started, relax and find your way into the discussion without cutting your partner short.

Listen! When you listen carefully, it allows you to say the right thing at the right time.

Remember! It helps a lot to avoid repetition if you know who has said what (names, facts, etc.).

Give your opinion! Be clear and precise. But don’t stop talking just because you are not sure about something. Support your opinions with examples.

Involve your partner! Don’t forget to include your partners into the discussion. Ask for their opinions and check to make sure that you have understood. Support their arguements or propose counter-arguments to keep the discussion going. You may also interupt your partner if you have something important to add. But don’t be rude!

Summing up! - If you did not initiate the talk, this is the right time. If you have been listening carefully, your summary will be the best one. You can do that by finding a compromise, by giving a view into the future or simply by repeating the most important aspects of your discussion.

Discussion skills

tips for discussions

It might be a good idea to start with... - Why don’t we start with... first? - Well, our topic seems to be controversial. - Perhaps the first thing to do is to... - To begin with... - We need to discuss/find out... - Let’s start by (v+ing)... - The important thing/problem/issue/question here is... - The main thing we need to discuss is...

First of all,/Secondly,/Finally, ...  - The main reason/most important thing is... - On top of that... - Another reason is... - Besides that... - As I see it... - In my opinion... - To my mind... - Personally, I believe/feel... - I’m convinced that... - It seems to me...

Let me illustrate,... - For example,... - For instance,... - To give you an example,... - Let me give you an example,... - To be honest,... - To tell you the truth,... - Actually,...

How about you? - Any ideas on that? - What do you think about... - How do you feel about... - Why do you think that? - Do you think it is fair to say... - Could you give me an example? - Could you explain that in more detail? - Would you say that... - The problem with that is... - It depends on what you mean by... - Sounds good/Good idea.

I’d just like to check that I’ve understood you correctly. - I think I didn’t quite get your point about... - Sorry, could you repeat what you just said, please?

I couldn’t agree more. - You are quite right on this point. - It seems we see eye to eye on this matter. - I see your point, but I can’t fully agree. I think it would be safer/more accurate to say... - I don’t disagree completely, however... - I may be wrong... - You have a good point, but... - Correct me if I’m wrong, but... - That may be true, but...

Excuse me/Sorry, to interrupt you, but... - May I interrupt you for a moment, please? - Do you mind if I jump in here? - Can I add something here? - May I ask a question? - Excuse me, I’d just like to finish this point. If you could wait for a second, please. - Going back to what I was saying,... - As I was saying,... - Anyway,...

Talking of... - That reminds me... - By the way... - Oh, before I forget... - Perhaps we should look at the problem from a different angle/perspective. - From the point of view of X... - Let’s change the focus. - Let me come back to something you said concerning... / comment on...

To sum up... - In brief... - To cut a long story short... - Do we agree that... - Can we agree on the following points? - A conclusion could be to say...

ESL: English conversation phrases and expressions

useful phrases
Linking ideas (useful phrases)
BBC: How to (conversation)
BBC: Better speaking